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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments


Curriculum refers to what is taught to students in each subject area every year a student is in school. Curriculum involves the proper pacing and arrangement of learning objectives, ensuring there is an effective and cohesive progression of student learning. 

The Eudora School District is committed to providing students with quality instruction and learning experiences. Our educators are committed to providing a challenging and supportive academic environment to meet each student's needs. Through a continuous improvement model, the curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated. According to the Kansas Department of Education, "Kansas Curricular Standards provide information on what students should know and be able to do at different grade levels. Kansas curricular standards are guidelines school districts can use to develop their curriculum. They are not the curriculum. In Kansas, each school district develops its own curriculum and teachers decide on how they will provide instruction to ensure student learning. The Kansas State Department of Education reviews its curricular standards at least every seven years. The assessed curricular standards are English Language Arts, English Language Proficiency, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies."  To access the curricular standards, please visit KSDE's Curricular Standards page

Timeline for Curriculum and Resource Review 

2024 - ELA: Ag. Science, Business, Fine Arts: Art, Vocal Music, and Band. History, Government, Social Studies, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Auto, Woodworking, Health Science, Computer Science, World Languages, and PE

2025 - Science: Culinary, FACS, AV Communications, Teaching, and Intervention Supports

2026 - Math: Visual Arts, Drafting, Health Science, and Health 

2027 - EXPLO/CTE: Technology 

Curriculum Coordinating Council

The Curriculum Coordinating Council (CCC) reviews and sanctions professional decisions pertaining to the Eudora district’s intended curriculum, instructional practices, and assessment tools.

Curriculum Coordinating Council Meeting MINUTES  


Instruction is how we teach. Teachers use evidence-based practices to teach and reinforce each student's growth and development as part of their academic instruction. 


Assessments are used to determine what students know and are able to do. Using formative and summative assessments, data is analyzed to reflect upon our curriculum and instruction to determine which concepts need more time or which students might benefit from additional support.